My Children’s Boutique…
Everyone I know is pregnant and I couldn’t be happier for all of the future new mommies in my life. “It must be in the water,” and I must buy gallons of it STAT! Lucky for me they are all having “Bring your Favorite Children’s Book” themed showers. My friend Claudette is expecting twin girls this spring.
I loved presenting her with this gift. It was such a treat for me to create it for her and her future family.
Roughly a little over two years ago I sat on a beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with my college friend (both single at the time) and predicted our life will soon change for the best. So, every night we made a toast, “The best is yet to come.” I scratched several things off my “Life List” that week.
I held a baby monkey and zipped line through a rain forest. I could hear her screaming the whole time behind me. Ironically, the louder she screamed the better I felt. I was finally living the life I wanted like never before. I felt so FREE. It was long overdue. A huge chapter in my life was done. I closed that book and grabbed onto the new reins in my life. We were both afraid of heights but we both collapsed in joy when it ended. SO, after a blissful vacation the single ladies returned home. We literally landed back in the states, met our husbands and married within weeks of each other. She is now very pregnant so I created an Angelic Themed Toy Box (see Pic.) that includes my children’s book, Maurice’s Daughter for her. The post office loves me when they see me coming in. Designing children’s rooms and nurseries is such a thrill for me. I have done a few now in Florida. I am only hoping to do my own soon.
Good luck Mommy to be! I LOVE YOU.
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